Kybella® in Metairie & New Orleans, LA

Do you hate seeing pictures of your face in profile because you have excess skin under your chin? You aren’t alone. Although a ‘double chin’ is more likely in people who are already carrying excess fat, the truth is that virtually anyone can experience one – even someone whose body is fairly slender. Unsurprisingly, people who suffer from a double chin often feel self-conscious about the way that their face looks. They may wear a scarf or style their hair in such a way so that it hides the sagging as much as possible.

Fortunately, there is a cosmetic treatment that can permanently eradicate the presence of fat cells in this area of the body. It is called Kybella®. Currently, Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that completely destroys fat cells under the chin, eliminating a ‘double-chin’ and improving your profile.


Kybella® is a non-surgical, injectable treatment. It contains a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid – a naturally-occurring molecule that is already present in the body and that assists with the process of breaking down and absorbing dietary fat. When the synthetic version of deoxycholic acid is injected into the fat cells beneath the chin, it destroys them. This reduces the appearance of fullness and sagging beneath the chin and enables the patient to enjoy a profile that is more defined.

Exactly how many Kybella® treatments you will need will depend on your original chin profile and how much of an improvement you wish to see. Kybella® injections must be spaced at least a month apart, and no more than six treatments should be administered. Each treatment usually takes less than 20 minutes and you can go back to work or your usual activities after your appointment.

One of the best things about Kybella® is that once the fat cells have been destroyed and excreted from the body through the usual channels, they cannot regrow. This means that once you reach your aesthetic goal, further treatments should not be required.


Kybella® does not work instantly. Once the fat cells have been destroyed, your body will need to process them and eliminate them from your body. Exactly how long this will take can vary between patients, but you may start to notice a difference a few days after your appointment. Most Kybella® patients achieve visible, satisfactory results after two or four treatments. Dr. Metzinger will be able to give you an estimation of how many sessions you will need at your consultation appointment.


Dr. Metzinger understands that every patient is unique and will assess your candidacy on a case-by-case basis. Typically, Kybella® can be given to the vast majority of patients. However, if you are pregnant or are planning on starting a family, you have recently had surgery (cosmetic or otherwise) or you have facial surgery planned, or you have a blood disorder, you may not be considered suitable for the procedure. The best candidates for Kybella® are healthy adults that have moderate to severe excess fat beneath their chin.


There is a possibility of side effects with all cosmetic treatments, including Kybella®. The most commonly seen side effects of this remarkable procedure including swelling, redness, numbness , and pain around the site of the injections. These tend to dissipate by themselves a few days after your procedure. Side effects that are very rare include difficulty swallowing, nerve injury in the jaw, and problems in and around the injection site, such as hair loss, ulcers, bruising, and necrosis of the tissues.


If you are hoping to improve the appearance of your double chin, our triple board-certified surgeon, Dr. Metzinger, can help. With extensive experience in all types of cosmetic procedures, including the application of Kybella®, Dr. Metzinger understands the importance of delivering natural, but esthetically beautiful results alongside exemplary patient care. To schedule a confidential consultation to discuss whether you are a good candidate for Kybella®, please contact our cosmetic surgery practice in Metairie, LA today.