Body Lift in Metairie & New Orleans, LA

Significant weight loss is an important achievement, but it can leave patients with stubborn fat deposits, loose skin, and stretch marks. Pregnancy and some hereditary conditions can also result in loose excess tissue. Dr. Stephen Metzinger of Aesthetic Surgical Associates performs liposuction, tummy tucks, and other body lift procedures at his Metairie & New Orleans, LA practice to help patients eliminate excess tissue and achieve lean, attractive body contours. If you are interested in enhancing your figure through expertly performed plastic surgery, please contact us to schedule your consultation.

Dr. Metzinger is the only triple board-certified plastic surgeon in the area and has more than 20 years of experience helping patients achieve an enhanced appearance and boosted self-esteem through cosmetic plastic surgery.
A body lift is a surgical procedure that eliminates excess tissue and often involves tightening remaining tissue to achieve a more attractive figure. Following dramatic weight loss or pregnancy, it is common to experience sagging skin that has lost elasticity. As a result, body contours are obscured. This effect is common in the midsection, hips, thighs, and buttocks.

While it is possible to lose weight through exercise, diet, and surgery, sagging skin and some fat deposits simply will not respond to these lifestyle changes. For patients wishing to eliminate excess tissue, a body lift can provide highly satisfying results. Depending on the needs and concerns of the patient, Dr. Metzinger may recommend a combination of body contouring procedures such as a thigh lift, arm lift, tummy tuck, breast lift, and liposuction.


During a consultation, Dr. Metzinger will review your medical records and answer your questions. He will explain his recommendations, and you can decide which procedure or combination of procedures you wish to undergo. Body lift procedures are performed under general anesthesia, and involve a series of incisions made in the treatment area, allowing the doctor to remove excess skin and fat. The remaining skin and underlying tissue is then tightened, and the incisions are closed. Dr. Metzger takes care to create incisions in a way that will result in the most discreet scarring possible.

Some body lift procedures can be performed on an outpatient basis, but depending on the extent of treatment, you may need to spend a night under supervision. Recovery time also varies according to the extent of treatment. It is important to avoid placing any strain on your incisions as you recover. Dr. Metzinger will provide detailed instructions about when you can return to work and resume strenuous activities such as heavy lifting and exercise. The full results of body lift procedures become more apparent as the body heals.


If you are struggling with excess skin, or stubborn fat deposits that will not respond to diet or exercise, Dr. Metzinger is here to help you. He is the only triple board-certified plastic surgeon in the area and has more than 20 years of experience helping patients achieve an enhanced appearance and boosted self-esteem through cosmetic plastic surgery. Our team can provide you with all the information needed to help you choose the right treatment plan for your needs. To set up an appointment, please contact us today.