Breast Surgical Procedures in Metairie, LA


Patients who want a larger, more proportional chest may benefit from breast augmentation. Dr. Stephen Eric Metzinger uses Mentor®, Allergan Natrelle® saline, and silicone implants to enlarge your breasts.


If your breasts are stretched, sagging, or asymmetrical due to nursing, pregnancy, aging, or weight fluctuation, Dr. Metzinger can perform breast lift surgery to correct this condition. He can also combine this procedure with breast augmentation or reduction, depending on your needs and preferences.


Having excessively heavy breasts can make you self-conscious about your appearance and cause health problems such as muscle pain, irritation from bra straps, rashes, and skin irritation. Dr. Metzinger can perform breast reduction surgery to relieve these symptoms while enhancing your look.


Breast implant illness or BII refers to the symptoms you can experience after getting breast implants. It is thought to be related to inflammatory or autoimmune responses. BII is not yet an official medical diagnosis, as most researchers are just gaining interest in it and starting to see more data.


One of the most natural ways to enhance your breasts is with your own fat tissues. Using liposuction, Dr. Metzinger can collect unwanted fat from your thighs, abdomen, buttocks, back, upper arms, chin, or neck, purify them in a centrifuge, and inject them into your breasts.

Breast Lift with Implant

If your breasts have lost volume, appear sagging, or lack firmness due to pregnancy, aging, weight changes, or other factors, Dr. Metzinger can perform a breast lift with implants to restore a youthful, balanced contour. This procedure not only elevates and reshapes the breasts but also enhances volume with implants, tailored to your desired size and profile for optimal results.


For many, breast reconstruction reclaiming their body and feeling more like themselves again. Reconstruction can help restore symmetry, balance, and the natural look and feel of the breasts, which can make a big difference in how someone feels in their clothes and their own skin.